use sprite colors in vertex shader like if they were vertex colors

Hi, I have a Sprite that is a plant, and I want to make it wave when the character passes through it.
It basically works, but now I want to make it work with vertex colors, so the branches move more than the base and that.
Since it’s a sprite and not a mesh, I thought about sending a texture with the colors and mapping it in Vert with tex2Dlod.

I’ve tried several things, but I realized the uv is very difficult to determine in order to map the color of the passed texture.

This is the sprite:

And the sprite I use as vertex colors:

The problem is that texcoord.y and texcoord.x correspond to each of the vertices, but it’s impossible for me to determine which one is which one. First I thought texcoord was just coordinates of the image, from 0 to 1, but then I discovered is not true, they are the vertices, and the positions are kinda random, or at least I don’t know how they work.

If I do this in the vertex shader:

//Plant waving
            #if defined( _WAVE_ON )
                fixed4 v_color = tex2Dlod (_VertexColor, v.texcoord);

                float factor = (1 - _ShakeDisplacement -  v_color.r) * 0.5;
                const float _WindSpeed  = (_ShakeWindspeed  +  v_color.g );
                const float _WaveScale = _ShakeDisplacement;

                const float4 _waveXSize = float4(0.048, 0.06, 0.24, 0.096);
                const float4 waveSpeed = float4 (1.2, 2, 1.6, 4.8);
                float4 _waveXmove = float4(0.024, 0.04, -0.12, 0.096);

                float4 waves;
                waves = v.vertex.x * _waveXSize;
                waves += _Time.x * (1 - _ShakeTime * 2 - v_color.b ) * waveSpeed *_WindSpeed;
                float4 s, c;
                waves = frac (waves);
                FastSinCos (waves, s,c);
                float waveAmount = v.texcoord.y * (v_color.a + _ShakeBending);
                s *= waveAmount;
                s *= normalize (waveSpeed);
                s = s * s;
                float fade = dot (s, 1.3);
                s = s * s;
                float3 waveMove = float3 (0,0,0);
                waveMove.x = dot (s, _waveXmove);
                v.vertex.x += mul ((float3x3)_World2Object, waveMove).x *  _ShakeAmount;

the v_color, gotten from tex2Dlod using texcoord and the Colors texture coordinates don’t correspond at all. For example, with the colors texture I send, which has only white in the top, then the wave is going to be random, accumulating points in the center, so the center waves a lot, and there is no way in the sides. That’s how I discovered uv is not sorted as I thought.

How can I map the texture colors property with the texcoord to use the colors in order to apply more or less waves depending on the colors?

if I shouldn’t use a texture, but the vertex colors of the sprite, it would be nice to know how, since I have no idea how to do that without a mesh.

please let me know if I didn’t explain properly.

Thanks a lot in advance.

Go to Edit → Project Settings → Editor Settings.

Is the sprite packer enabled? If so, Unity is squishing all of your sprites into 1 “atlas” texture, thus making it so each sprite’s UV range is MUCH smaller than 0 to 1