Use Stencil in Custom Post Processor in HDRP


I want to use stencil in a custom post processor, but whatever I am trying, it does not seem to work, the shader I wrote alway operates on every pixel, no matter how I set the stencil operations, so all stencil operations are being ignored.
My guess is it fails because the DepthStencil buffer is not bound during “DrawFullScreen”.
I found no way to access the DepthBuffer insider a custom post processor, as it’s not available on the camera.
Is this a shortcoming in custom post processors in HDRP? Is there a workaround for this, or any other reason the stencil operations are being ignored?
I am able to use stencil in custom pass, so in principial the stencil works (with the two user stencil bits defined by HDRP).