Use Unity3D asset in a game creation tool

Hi, I have a question about the license of Unity3D art assets.

I am creating a RPG creation tool where players can publish their own rpg as a HTML5 game online. Each game will be hosted on the server like

The idea here is to let players use any bundled assets to create their own games. I am wondering whether I can use assets purchased from AssetStore for that purpose. Could you please tell me your opinion?


Only one opinion really matters, and that’s the official legal opinion of Unity Technologies. The most relevant section of the Asset Store EULA is 2.2, which is in part:

You could make an argument to them (really, to their lawyers) that your electronic game is like Minecraft, and the RPGs that players make are like maps that people share in Minecraft. But I suspect that’s really stretching the definition too far. You should contact Unity (try to get a real answer.

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Thanks, I am going to contact Unity