User loading image from device

Hi everyone!

I’m new to unity3D and also new to android development. I’m thinking of purchase unity3D for android, but i have to figure out some things first. One of them is:
Is it possible for the user to load an image from the android device, for using it as a texture for example as a framed picture on a wall ?

if yes: what is the workflow for doing this? are there already ( UI ) assets shipped with unity for those interactions?

I found this thread:
but i’m not sure if it fits to my needs, because my technical-english isn’t the best :frowning:

thank you and merry christmas to everyone!

i found following code:

// Continuously get the latest webcam shot from outside "Friday's" in Times Square
// and DXT compress them at runtime
var url = "";

function Start () {
    // Create a texture in DXT1 format
    renderer.material.mainTexture = new Texture2D(4, 4, TextureFormat.DXT1, false);
    while(true) {
        // Start a download of the given URL
        var www = new WWW(url); 
        // wait until the download is done
        yield www; 
        // assign the downloaded image to the main texture of the object

i wonder if i can use this for local files also ?

any solution?