[User Request] Please Improve the experience with the Build Settings window

I find the Scene List panel in the Build Settings screen to be very impractical to work with. As soon as your Project increases in size, the list becomes really hard to supervise that everything’s ok.

Any of the following features could improve its usability:

  • Category Grouping and/or Identation for Scenes that belong to a same parent folder.
  • Zebra striped rows for List’s elements.
  • Color Highlighting to see which scenes are enabled/disabled/missing, etc.
  • Quick swap of the elements by drag& drop items in the list.
  • Improve the readability of the Index number. Maybe enclosed inside a box?
  • Filter toggle buttons, to check for disabled Scenes, ordered by index, name, etc.

I’ve provided an example below so we can get an idea of what’s the usual case:


that window is unfortunately a relic of the past.

but good news because you are lucky, here is the new build settings window (at 7:30 if you are inpatient)

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Yup. OP’s screenshot seems to be from a very old Unity version actually. I can’t recall it looking like that in 2022 for instance and I’m thinking this may even be Unity 2019, if not Unity 5.

But maybe I’m just too used to Unity 6’s build window. Which honestly, doesn’t really solve all the usability issues, if any.

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Thank you, this solves half of the problem.