I won’t participate in the survey, since I don’t use Unity at the moment, but I can tell you that as an artist my number one complaint about Unity as an editor always was how poor its object placement & management tools were compared to Blender. My first thought for a new Unity project would usually be “how can I move tasks from Unity to Blender, so that I can use those superior workflows and tools?”. The way Blender handles collections and allows to selectively toggle visibility or selectability is a huge help for organizing things, and I always missed the 3D cursor that Blender has for rotating objects around a defined point in space. Toggling between different space alignments for axis aligned transforms (global space, parent object, local object, view, custom) would also be great. And I was missing more robust snap to geometry features, like auto snap & rotate to collider faces. Things like the proportional editing with different falloffs (including random) are so great for quickly distributing larger groups of objects in an organic looking way. The “search function” for tools and functions was always a really big help too. Etc.
It’s possible some of this had been added in the meantime (though I’d be surprised) and I’m sure everything can be achieved with assetstore stuff if you spend enough time looking for it, but if you want to make improvements, I’d first look at the various long lists of usability complaints that you already have on the forum. There’s even an active thread going on right now:
But I’m glad to hear you’re looking to improve the user experience for artists!