Users creating matches, others joining?

Hi all!

We’re starting out with some basics in terms of our matchmaking and are curious if the unity Matchmaker is a fit. Initially, we’ll want users to be able to simply create matches (rooms/sessions?) of their own, and have other players join their matches. Pretty standard stuff… a user can create a game for others (including him/herself) to join, or a user can just join a game.

My issue was, I couldn’t find how to map this concept to the matchmaker APIs. Do they support this, or is it something we’ll have to build ourselves?

Hi ! I highly suggest you look at Lobby for the room support.
The flow I would suggest for you in that use case is:

  • A user creates a Lobby
  • A user in that room (the host of the Lobby probably) sends a request to Matchmaker for a Game server hosting allocation
  • Once allocation is done, the host add the information of the server in the lobby
  • All other users uses the information on the lobby to join the server without matchmaking
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Thanks! I presume though that the user that created the lobby wouldn’t have to actively send the request himself to matchmaker… correct? If all of the steps above are manual, and the host is actually pasting connection info into a lobby chat, it seems rather clunky. what about this for example (‘behind the scenes’ code in parens)

  • A user creates a Lobby - sets max players, and map
  • ( request is made to matchmaker for a game server hosting allocation )
  • all the while, players may be joining the lobby
  • ( when allocation is complete, store the server info into a lobby property or external db)
  • when all players click ready, start the game
  • (connecting them to the server using the info stored above)