I am using 2 different set of codes that both have their own namespaces. One is for a water emulator and one for my custom ThirdPerson Controller.
Now the problem is that i want to create a detector script that when the player enters the water to kill him.
As you can imagine i need to somehow use 2 namespaces in that script…because one is ‘grabbing’ info from the water script and one from the Player’s controller.
Is there a way i can access both namespace objects in that script ?
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
namespace ------WhatToUseHere???-------- (MyWaterSim or ThirdPersonCharacter namespace)
public class DetectAndKill : MonoBehaviour
public WaterSim watersim;
void Update()
transform.position = new Vector3(transform.position.x, watersim.waterSurface, transform.position.z);
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
if (other.tag == "Player")
ThirdPersonCharacter player = other.GetComponent<ThirdPersonCharacter>();
The detector will be applied to a gameobject that will change its Y position according to the water surface. Then if the player lands on it…it should send a message to kill the player.
Now i dont want to use the same namespace for both scripts…because if you think about it…i might use in the future another script that uses its own namespace variable…so i cant be doing this every time i add something new to the code…Isnt there an easy way to access both scripts ?