Using 2 separate audio output speakers with Hololens2

I have 2 audio sources in my unity scene (this is for HoloLens 2). I want one of the audio sources to use my laptop speakers as the audio output, and the other source to use the HoloLens speakers.
Can someone please help?
So far I have tried using, but this is not working:

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class LaptopOnlyAudio : MonoBehaviour
    // References to the two audio sources that will play through the laptop
    public AudioSource audioSourceLaptop1;

    // State to control the playback of the first laptop audio (toggled by spacebar)
    private bool isLaptopAudio1Playing = false;

    void Start()
        // Ensure both laptop audio sources are stopped initially

        // Set the audio output to 2D (non-spatialized) for both laptop audio sources

        // Disable audio playback on HoloLens at runtime
        if (IsRunningOnHoloLens())
            // Mute audio source on HoloLens
            audioSourceLaptop1.mute = true;

    void Update()
        // Listen for the spacebar key press to toggle the first laptop audio
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space))

    // Toggle the first laptop audio on and off
    private void ToggleLaptopAudio1()
        if (isLaptopAudio1Playing)

        isLaptopAudio1Playing = !isLaptopAudio1Playing;

    // Set the audio source to non-spatialized (2D) audio for laptop playback
    private void SetAudioSourceOutput(AudioSource audioSource)
        audioSource.spatialBlend = 0f; // Set to 2D for laptop audio (no spatialization)
        AudioSettings.SetSpatializerPluginName("None"); // Disable spatialization

    // Helper function to check if the app is running on HoloLens
    private bool IsRunningOnHoloLens()
        return Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WSAPlayerX86 || 
               Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WSAPlayerX64 || 
               Application.platform == RuntimePlatform.WSAPlayerARM;