Using 5.5.2p3+ 5.4.5p1 to avoid rejection from the TIZEN store

Dear Unity developers,
Please refer the email below from TIZEN seller office.

Dear Developers,

Thank you for using the Tizen Store Seller Office.

We reviewed compatibility of the UNITY app after TIZEN version upgrade and found some potential problems related to compatibility.
This kind of issue can occur in an app which doesn’t use the latest UNITY version.
If you do not upgrade your application on the store, it will not run on the latest TIZEN version.

So, we prepared a new UNITY engine and now we’d like to share it with you.
Please check our guide and apply it if you think it’s necessary for your app

App Name

  • UNITY Application


  • Application is getting closed automatically after lock-unlock phone
  • Application has stopped unexpectedly, while quitting the Game
  • Exception observed while opening Apps


  • UNITY potential problem

Guide : Make new package with the latest UNITY engine.

  • 5.4.5p1 : 22 March 2017 (Tizen 2.3+)
  • 5.5.2p3 : 15 March 2017 (Tizen 2.4+)
  • 5.6.0p1 : 18 April 2017 (Tizen 2.4+)
    Download Archive

Unity 5.4.x (e.g. 5.4.5p1) support Tizen 2.3 above.
Unity 5.5.x and 5.6.x does NOT support Tizen 2.3. Some Z1 device is using Tizen 2.3.
For more details, please refer the site as below.

If you have any further inquiries, please contact us.
Tizen Store Seller Office will continue to be dedicated to providing better services to our valued customers.

Thank you
Tizen Store Seller Office Team

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I did not get such e-mail.

Also, I have submitted and approved a game 4 days ago, using Unity 5.4.1.

Dear OnurYIL.
I’m Sukwon Suh in TIZEN R&D team.

This is potential bug and compatibility issue when upgrading TIZEN version.
If you are using 5.4.1 Unity version, your app has 2 issues.

  • Application has stopped unexpectedly, while quitting the Game

You can see a little hanging and last image when quiting the game.

  • Exception observed while opening Apps

You cannot launch app immediately after reboot the phone. You have to wait 1 minute to launch Unity application.

email will be delivered at next week(I expect it on Monday)
Thank you.

But latest Unity versions doesn’t support 2.3? What about that?

Edit: I just saw this “- 5.4.5p1 : 22 March 2017 (Tizen 2.3+)”

Does this mean I have to use 5.4.5p1 in order to have support for all Tizen devices?

Thank you for your quick update!

Exactly you are right!

Hi sukwon-su,

I’ve developed my game under Unity 5.5.2, and I see several patch versions for 5.5.X.

Is it preferable that I use Patch 5.5.2p4 or Patch 5.5.3p1?

Which one is more reliable?

Thanks in advance!

I did not test 5.5.3p1 yet. I’ll let you know result soon.

5.5.3p1 is fine. I recommend the latest version (5.5.3p1).
Thank you!


I have updated my game which is already on the Tizen Store. I installed the 5.4.5p1 version, opened my unutoched project with this version, created a TPK, tested it on RTL devices first, then uploaded to the Store. The next day, they rejected the update for the reasons below:

The game works fine on RTL devices, zero problem. I do not have any other way to test this since no devices outside of India.

Edit: Inside the core_hash.txt file: “Hash exist and hash not match. - shared/res/data/Managed/mono/2.0/mscorlib.dll”

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Dear OnurYIL,

It looks you re-registered your app again after rejection, and currently your app is now on valid progress(integraty test passed).
Generally, integrity test failure occur when you modified files on your package manually.
Did you modify some files manually after packaging?


5.6.0p1 available now.

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This is available unity versions for Tizen.

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Hi Sukwon-suh,

I used to have a game in the Wearable store called Ducker which was built with Unity, but they changed some policies which means we can no longer use Unity to build for Wearables, do you know if there is any way around this?



Dear Jonny,
Are you rejected from TIZEN store as reason below?
Undocumented APIs is detected (white list).

I have submitted a game with the latest Unity Version (5.6.0p3), but certification failed → Application can not be executed.
But i have tested it with Remote Lab and it works fine there, how can this be?

I have also submitted a few other games and now i fear they will also fail in certification, but they all worked fine with Remote Lab and Emulator :frowning:

I have attached the dump log.

3055402–229391– (338 KB)

I have now looked a bit into the log and think is the part where the app fails to launch:

Apparently the info file is missing and it does not have a launch condition??
Could somenone please tell me how i can fix this?

Many thanks in advance!

Hi Sukwon-Suh,

I have submitted a game with the latest Unity Version (5.6.0p3), but still got the issue.

Should I use 5.6.0p1 as you mention above? (sukwon-suh : 5.6.0p1 available now.)


5.6.0p3 is fine.
I think you used 5.6.0f3 version then rejected.

Did you solve problems?