Using a Blender model as a Player model

Just to start, I am new to using both Unity and Blender :frowning:

I am working on a Unity project created by a group before me. They already have a Player prefab set up but I wanted to change the model to use one I created.

I created the new player model in blender and I am able to pull the .blend model onto the scene, but when I try to make the Player use the model as the mesh filter, I’m only able to select one of the (6) meshes in the model. I understand there will be material import problems, for now I just want my Player prefab to use the entire blender model instead of just one Object from it.

Will I have to merge all of the different objects in the blender file in order to do this?

Here are some pictures that may help:

This is the model as it appears in blender
model in blender
This is the model as it appears in unity
model in unity
This is the Player object that I would like to have use the model
alt text

Cute model!

You’ll have to either combine them all into one mesh (not recommended, since I’m guessing you want to animate later), or you need to drag the model into the scene and add all the relevant player scripts to the new model.

You’ll end up with a model that has a bunch of objects childed to it, but that’s what you want in this case if you’re planning for future animation