Using a custom texture to feed vertex displacement

I’m trying to use a custom texture to displace vertices with shader graph and use of the Vertex Position node.
Issue is I can’t connect my output to the node, the second i get rid of my texture and use something like a noise texture then it works. So i’ve converted my texture to a greyscale texture, set it to be a single channel in texture type, even changed the format to R 8, but no matter what I do it won’t accept the final output into the Vertex node.
I tried using a RGBA texture, using the split node to get a single channel to add to the displacement, even connected it to a vector 3 to make sure it is outputting as a float value.
No solutions have helped

Instead of “Sample Texture 2D”, use “Sample Texture 2D LOD”, then you should be able to connect it. You probably also need to multiply with the Normal Vector (Object Space), before adding to “Position”.