I literally can not find a single bit of help throughout anywhere on the internet not have i found someone with my same problem. My issue is that im using Aura volumetric lighting from the asset store and the component for Aura main component is cut off and nothing i have done can show the rest of the settings. Heres a snip of the problem.
This worked for me.
Taken from Asset Store review.
“For anyone who’s having issues with the GUI Inspector, you need to go through each of the editor scripts: AuraEditor, AuraLightEditor, AuraVolumeEditor, look for all ‘EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.miniButton);’ lines and get rid of “EditorStyles.miniButton”, this should fix the problem.”,This worked for me.
Taken from Asset Store review…
“For anyone who’s having issues with the GUI Inspector, you
need to go through each of the editor scripts: AuraEditor, AuraLightEditor, AuraVolumeEditor, look for all ‘EditorGUILayout.BeginVertical(EditorStyles.miniButton);’ lines and get rid of “EditorStyles.miniButton”, this should fix the problem.”
Best course of action, is to contact the authors of Aura, not here…
Same! I contacted the creator about it, we will see if it is fixed…