Using Avatar mask with non-humanoid?

I have a quadruped character with a rig and lots of animations that I’ve successfully imported to Unity from Blender. I want to make use of the avatar mask functionality in the animator so I can have a layer of movement animations (like walking and running) and another layer with facial expressions (such as snarling and panting). This all seems like it would be essentially effortless if I were using a humanoid model, but I’m not, and I can’t find a way to configure a custom avatar to make use of that avatar mask function. It seems like it wouldn’t be so hard to just designate all the face bones as a group so I can create a mask in this way, but so far I’ve found no way to do this. Help???

Hello @CorduroyPony ,

You can use Avatar Masks on non-humanoid Avatars using the “Transform” section of the Inspector when editing an Avatar Mask, just ignore de “Humanoid” section.

Look at this manual page: Unity - Manual: Avatar Mask window

“Alternatively, if your animation does not use a Humanoid avatar, […] you can use the Transform method to select or deselect portions of the model’s hierarchy to mask. To do this, you must assign a reference to the avatar whose transform you would like to mask off, then click the “Import Skeleton” button. You will then see the hierarchy of the avatar listed in the inspector. Each bone has a checkbox allowing you to select or deselect parts of the hierarchy to use as your mask.”

For me the mask doesn’t work. So far I haven’t been able to understand why since I created the skeleton from the animation and removed all the parts in the transform to test. However, the animation happens without filtering any part.