Using colliders on a ragdoll with animation

I have a humanoid ragdoll I’m trying to animate. If I use only the model, it animates fine, but I also need collision that moves with it (like the mesh). Using mesh colliders results in improperly sized meshes for some reason I can’t explain so I’d like to just use the colliders generated from the ragdoll wizard. I understand ragdolls have animation issues, but most people seem to have them with switching from a ragdoll to an animation, while I simply can’t get the ragdoll to animate at all. Note that it doesn’t simply collapse to the ground, it assumes the tpose it was imported in and doesn’t move, despite the animator showing that it should be playing a run animation (it goes directly there from entry, only one layer, no transitions at all). I’ve got the controller assigned and everything to the transform above the metarig. What am I doing wrong?

You can use regular colliders, but when you need to animate, have all rigidbodies set to kinematic (use GetComponent().isKinematic = true and GetComponentsInChildren() along a foreach loop).

When you need ragdoll, you will have to disable your animator and re-enable the ragdoll rigidbodies.