Using controllers on Steam with "Steam Input"

I made my game work perfectly with xbox one controller and ps4 controller, they map everything differently but I made it all work.

Now that I put my demo on steam, I noticed that Steam by default has “Steam Input” enabled, and it remaps everything, which makes nothing be correct at the moment.

I’m sure the remapping is great when you actually know how it remaps everything, I’m sure the point is so that every controller can be treated the same way in game (which would have been super usefull had I known that in advance), but I just don’t have time to figure all that out now, as I’m in steam next fest, which starts this monday.

Can anyone help me with this?

How do I have the button mapping be the same in steam as outside of steam?

Selecting the Playstation4 controller configuration in Steam does not make it behave correctly when using a Playstation4 controller.
Does anyone know if there is a controller configuartion on steam that actually makes Steam keep the mapping the way it is when Steam Input is disabled?

Alternatively, does nayone know how Steam input maps everything? That way I can maybe change the input in Unity to make it work with steam input
