Using EZGUI can I Create large amounts of listObjects without lag

Using a ScrollList, I am currently creating and deleting large amounts of UIlistObjects on the fly. Each ListObject has 4 SpriteText children, whose text also updated upon creation.

The creation of a few, or even 100 listobjects, is done quickly, but when I reach numbers such as 300, or 500, there are large amounts of Lag.
Also, while using UIListObjects, I realized that all children, of that listObject, would not be clipped correctly.

A Fix I tried :
I tried putting the “create listObject”, and “add listObject to UIList” code in an CoRoutine function,
then after every 100 listObjects created, I called a “yield WaitForSeconds(.0001f)”
This seemed to work, except still lags when values are extremely high, such as in the thousands.

To fix the clipping issue, I used UIListObjectContainers instead of UIListObject,
however, when being created in a CoRoutine, the UIListObjectContainers jumble on top of one another.

Is these a way to create large amounts of UIListObjectContainers without lag?
if Not, is there a way to create them via CoRoutine, with something like a yield WaitForSeconds(.0001f), and NOT jumble on top of each other?

You should edit your title to include EZGUI so folks who know EZGUI might be drawn to your question.

As for your lags, if you have pro, profile your app and see what is going on. A year ago I tackled a similar project using EZGUI. I found most of the performance hit was in the scroll list code for what I was doing (not in the item creation code). My solution was to write my own, much simpler scroll list. My simpler code did not have clipping, so I placed a texture on a plane in front with a transparent cutout. The performance improvement was huge. Display times went from seconds to tenths of seconds. I also deferred the destruction of game object, which also had a big impact.