Using a ScrollList, I am currently creating and deleting large amounts of UIlistObjects on the fly. Each ListObject has 4 SpriteText children, whose text also updated upon creation.
The creation of a few, or even 100 listobjects, is done quickly, but when I reach numbers such as 300, or 500, there are large amounts of Lag.
Also, while using UIListObjects, I realized that all children, of that listObject, would not be clipped correctly.
A Fix I tried :
I tried putting the “create listObject”, and “add listObject to UIList” code in an CoRoutine function,
then after every 100 listObjects created, I called a “yield WaitForSeconds(.0001f)”
This seemed to work, except still lags when values are extremely high, such as in the thousands.
To fix the clipping issue, I used UIListObjectContainers instead of UIListObject,
however, when being created in a CoRoutine, the UIListObjectContainers jumble on top of one another.
Is these a way to create large amounts of UIListObjectContainers without lag?
if Not, is there a way to create them via CoRoutine, with something like a yield WaitForSeconds(.0001f), and NOT jumble on top of each other?