Using generateVisualContent to augment instead of replace?

We can create custom geometry using the generateVisualContent callback, but this requires us to provide all geometry inside of this callback. How can we start with the default geometry for a control instead of starting with nothing? We want to create some visual effects which manipulate any control’s default vertices across entire hierarchies including children, but it would be wrong for us to blindly assume that we know how each type of child control wants its own geometry to be generated - so we can’t replace every child’s generateVisualContent callback with our own.

Is there a base or utility method we can call which will populate the “default” vertices for the control which we could then manipulate, instead of replacing them all completely ourselves without any regard to the control’s own opinion about its vertices?


It’s an interesting feature request. Right now, generateVisualContent is additive and you don’t have access to your own exiting geometry, let along your childrens’ geometries. It’s likely such a feature won’t be prioritized soon. That said, custom shaders are on our medium term (next year) roadmap and they will allow you add some of the effects you’re looking for with vertex shaders. Either way, you’ve added this workflow to our radar.