Using Google Earth Terrain in Unity

I am trying to insert some terrain data form Google Earth (specifically the Nurburgring in Germany) into a Unity project.
I imported the terrain into Google SketchUp and exploded it.[1192-Exploded+Highlighted+Sketchup+sm.jpg|1192]

I Exported as a .dae then converted to .FBX with the “AutoDesk FBX Converter 2013” tool.

I imported the FBX into unity then put all of the raw meshes into the play area.
Then in the hierechy window, I moved the meshes to the terrain folder.
I Selected all the meshes and tried to use [1193-error+sm.jpg|1193]

If I also select the unity terrain it gives a different error: “Please select an object with a mesh.”

Thanks for the help,

It’s exactly like @Scribe said. You need to create a terrain first. The script uses the active terrain (Terrain.activeTerrain) So you need to have a terrain in the scene before you can use the script.

If you read the usage carefully you can read that the generated heightmap is assigned to the active terrain. Well, i guess it’s possible to explain that a bit more in detail, but the error should give you a clue :wink: