Using HDRP correctly (performance + optimization)


So, I’ve tried using HDRP various times. Each time I’ve encountered performance issues even with an almost empty scene. Those issues appear when using features such as AO, Raytracing, Reflections, and other overrides.

What process and settings do you recommend so that our projects remain “performant” (provided that my workstation/pc is a pretty good setup) without having to not use overrides that help with achieving realistic looks? Also, you could provide us with template or base projects that already have a good starting point for developers to use so that settings and tools are used correctly, based on your intended use for it.


We could recommend you to read the ebbok: The definitive guide to lighting in the HDRP | Unity - The definitive guide to lighting in the High Definition Render Pipeline (HDRP) which contain a lot of information about how to setup scene for production usage.

HDRP haven’t been optimize for empty scene. There is an entry cost due to the various features enabled by default. HDRP have been design for scaling with lot of content. So for example having 10 lights or 50 or 100 isn’t causing a large difference. But just having a single light have an important entry cost.

Hope this information help.

Note that Unity provide a template with a small scene (that is used as example in the Ebook) but also an empty template. We are sadly not able to provide a template which fit all scenario, the template we provide are for an average game on PC

i think the HDRP Sample Scene the one with the 3 rooms that looks like it’s out of LOST is a great starting point, i use those HDRP assets for my new projects.

don’t never ever change any setting without a proper test… otherwise ur scenes will end up looking really really bad

I linked this article to someone else to help with learning profiling.