Using line rendere for stick figures

Should I use a line renderer for stick figures and if so how would one do it

Absolutely not. Especially if you want them animated. Unless youre doing some innovative rendering method, it is best to stick with Sprites (2D) or Meshes (3D).

You could make your stick figures 3D or 2D. You’d create them in a third party tool for 3D meshes or 2D images.

You dont have to hand draw animations though. You could import pieces (lines) and animate those based on pivots or a 2D rig like Puppet2D.

If your game is 3D but you still want 2D characters, you can use the ‘billboard’ technique for your sprites.

For animation… 3D would need a rig. 2D would work very well with Unity’s 2D animation system too.

Both are solid choices.

And so are stick figures. Stick Figure games are classics, IMO. Especially if drawn/animated well.