We would like to implement lip-sync in response to voice for a voice chat function using PhotonVoice.
Does anyone know of any assets or libraries that have a proven track record?
Currently we are trying to use “Oculus lip sync”, but it seems to be unstable.
We used the Oculus lipsync in some VR apps with Photon Voice and Fusion, and it worked well out of the box.
I had some problem on macOS build related to the device performances - but no problem on Oculus Quest or PC (in VR or desktop mode).
One thing that could help in all cases for performances, is to switch the lipsync provider algorithm: the one choosed by default is quite CPU-intensive, without bringing much to the table. In our dev, we changed this setting from “Enhanced” to “Original”.
I am developing on macOS, which seems to be causing the problem.
This time I decided to implement it using the “uLipSync” library.
I will check “OVRLipSync” next time.