For my research project I’m evaluating the accuracy of lighting simulation in Unity. In this post ( Question about light intensity in HDRP - #19 by Paris_iw ) I found advise to measure illuminance in HDRP using the LuxMeter debug mode and color picker/false colors. There are several questions that arose when working with these tools:
I used the color picker in scene view with the view tool selected. As far as I understood the position of the measurement is not where the view tool (the hand) is displayed but where the values are displayed. Is that right? How can I determine the exact position of the measurement?
As I am comparing my results to reference values for fixed coordinates in the space it would be even better to write a script to read the illuminance values at these specific positions. How could I access the illuminance of a specific coordinate by code?
With float4 selected I get X,Y, Z and W-values instead of one illuminance value, what do they stand for? Most of the times X, Y and Z store the same values but in some cases they are different.
Any progress on this topic? Looking at measuring luminance / illuminance based on light type, location and intensities and comparing that to a real world set up. Hoping to develop a simulation model for mixed reality camera calibration and lighting that reduces smearing and maximice dynamic resolution. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
Hi, I am also interested in reading “raw Lux” values from the scene. Preferably in screen space and as a HDR colors (RGB floats - total amount of light received for each pixel). I plan to use it in a false color post-processing effect.
In legacy (built-in) pipeline, one could do it as a second camera rendering to texture with replacement shader that would output only received amount of light (instead of computing light reflected to camera). But replacement shaders do not work in HDRP.
Maybe this can be done as a Custom Pass or as a part of post-processing stack. There might be a rendertexture/framebuffer at some point in pipeline which “Lux Meter debug mode” uses as a data source. If only I could access this from my own script/shaders…