I’m trying to create something like a rocket and wanted to get the rocket to go forward depending on where the thruster is facing(If the rockets facing up it goes up if it’s sideways it goes to that direction) I managed to do this with transform.translate but now it doesn’t seem to be affected by the forces mentioned on the title.
All I really want it to do it to drift slightly like when using Addforce, Also when the game ends and the menu appears the rocket will continue to move and through any physical objects, I would at least like it to stop moving.
if(Input.GetAxis("Vertical")>0) //Checking for up arrow key
topThruster.enableEmission = false;
bottomThruster.enableEmission = true;
transform.Translate(Vector3.forward *0.1, Space.Self);
if(Input.GetAxis("Vertical")<0) //Checking for down arrow key
bottomThruster.enableEmission = false;
topThruster.enableEmission = true;
transform.Translate(Vector3.back *0.1, Space.Self);