Using mathf.sin

So I have everything worked perfectly with this

    public float amplitude;           
public float speed;                   
private float startPosition;
private Vector3 tempPos;

void Start () 
	startPosition = transform.position.y;

void Update ()
	tempPos.y = startPosition + amplitude * Mathf.Sin (speed * Time.time);
	transform.position = tempPos;
	transform.Rotate (0,0,300*Time.deltaTime);


the only problem is that the object always start in the center moving up and down. How do i make it so it stays where I position them?

void Update ()
tempPos = transform.position; //better place this in Start()

     tempPos.y = startPosition + amplitude * Mathf.Sin (speed * Time.time);
     transform.position = tempPos;
     transform.Rotate (0,0,300*Time.deltaTime);

The issue was that tempPos was (0, tempPos.y, 0) always.
Now that you make it equal to the transform.position, all xyz are set.
So now tempPos will have y changing, but x and z be the same as in the original transform.position