Using MIT license with a MIT license?

If you use MIT licensed code in your work and you use a MIT license, how do you license that properly?

The MIT license is extremely permissive.

Basically the MIT license says you can use it however you like, but the creator offers ZERO guarantee/warranty that it’ll work.

You are free to include MIT licensed code in your project.

I release all my code on my github under MIT under the idea that anyone is free to use it if they so dare:


insert obligatory “I am not a lawyer” statement here. Take what I say with a grain of salt and consult your own legal team if you need to guarantee you won’t be sued.

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By following the rules in the license. Here is the template for the base form of the license. Note that there are a few variations of this license that may include more rules or no rules at all. It’s up to you to look at these and determine what the requirements are for all of the MIT licensed code that you use.

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