Using my iPhone for development?

My contract is up with my current cell provider so I want to get an iPhone for my personal use and Unity development. Can I use it for both? I’m not required to have a dedicated iPhone just to develop, right?


no you don’t need
but you must be a licensed apple developer or you can not use your iphone for any development at all.

also you must have OSX 10.5.3+ on an intel mac

I have been developing with xCode and Unity3D but I’m using my iPod Touch to test. I just wanted to know if there was anything I needed to know before I plunk down the cash for two iPhones.

Thanks for the reply.

/Apple Store… here I come!

Please say it isn’t so… I have 10.5.2 and no method of upgrading…

No way am I gonna update the software online via a dial-up connection and pay-per-second billing…

What now???

Know someone in your area who could download the 10.5.6 combo update, burn to disc, and mail it to you? (Anyone in the world could do this, of course, but I’m thinking cheaper postage rates for someone local.) Also, you need the iPhone SDK; that’s about 1.7GB.


Got the updates before I left the UK mid 08. I am the only person I know of in South Africa that uses a Mac so no, nobody who can dl it for me :frowning:

Are you offering, by chance :slight_smile:

/me jumps up and down!!!

I would, but I usually only stop by the post office every couple of months (even the nearest one is pretty far out of my way), and I just did two weeks ago, so I doubt you want to wait that long. :wink:

Don’t need a Mac to download software from Apple’s website ya know! Any computer will do.


shoot! Why didn’t I think of that? :stuck_out_tongue: Ha ha :slight_smile:

Just for interest sake, our phone lines got stolen so often in the area where I live that our telecom provider has decided not to put up phone lines any more. As a result I am now going online via wireless…

So, when I wanted to download the latest iPhone SDK I went to our local internet cafe and asked if I could download it there. They quoted me the equvalent of USD 600 just for that single download…! Just to put it in perspective: my wife earns R2000 p/m, that download would have cost R6000…

Of course, I COULD use the wireless 3G option when I get ahold of my cousin’s phone. Data bundles only cost around R250 for 500Mb so that should only set me back around R800. Much cheaper than the internet cafe and now less than half of my wife’s monthly wages…

I wonder if I can find a Windows user to download me that software… I’m sure he won’t miiiiind … much… :stuck_out_tongue:

Ah yes…copper thieves…gotta love 'em…

Uh…wow! (/me stops complaining about local monopolistic broadband prices.)

Well, in six weeks or so let me know if you haven’t got anyone to download the goods for you.


Thanks ever so much. I will keep you in mind :slight_smile: