Using NavMesh with a 2D sprite -- Directional values are unexpected?

I’m using a NavMeshAgent on a 3D object that is rendered as a 2D sprite. Because of this, I don’t want it to rotate; I simulate rotation by changing the sprite.

However, I’m getting unexpected values that cause the sprite to be facing the wrong direction. Here’s a snippet of my code.

    private void Update() {
        _agent.updateRotation = false;
    private void FaceInDirection(Vector3 destination) {
        Vector3 direction = (destination - transform.position).normalized;
        Debug.Log("Direction: " + direction);

        _animator.SetFloat("X", direction.x);
        _animator.SetFloat("Y", direction.z);

        if (direction.x < 0) { _renderer.flipX = true; } // Moving Left
        if (direction.x >= 0) { _renderer.flipX = false; } // Moving Right

From the debug statement, I can see the issue: regardless of which way it’s moving, the X values are coming up negative. What should I be checking to know if I should flip the sprite?

After further testing, it almost seems random. Sometimes it works fine, other times the sprite will be flipped (using the right directional sprite, just facing the wrong way), and the X values are ALWAYS negative, regardless of the direction of movement.