Using other formats for an int?

Looking at the C# .net api it shows that I can do the following:

So I go ahead and do the following in Unity:

```int myInt = 0b0001_0110_0011_0100_0010;```

However Unity does not like this at all ("*Unexpected symbol `b0001_0110_0011_0100_0010'*").
Am I stuck having to write things like 32 and 1024 all the time, or is there some existing solution?

That’s a C# 7 feature: The history of C# | Microsoft Learn
You will be able to use them when C#7 will be supported.

Yep, I think that will be nice when we get it in Unity (being worked on, I think*).

For powers of 2, you can bit-shift, also.

Ah, I guess Unity is just a little behind then. Bummer.

I did not think of using bit shifting. Great idea.
I ended up doing
Mathf.Pow(2, i)

I think you can also pass the power to the Convert function - e.g.

int number = Convert.ToInt32("1001110001001111",2);

This is supported by the incremental compiler for the 2018.1 beta.