Using Particles with Collision

I got a first person controller running around a landscape with a particle system to simulate rain, I’m happy with this.

Just for info I’ve attached the particle system to the main camera of the first person controller, just raised it fairly high up above the player

My problem is I have just made a house and it rains inside the house. I’ve tried different things, added a plane to the collision part of the particle system but what happens is all the particles stop at the position of the plane, but I need it so only the particles that collide with the plane dies and the rest of the particles carry on down to the floor…

Probably not described that very well above but basically need the particles to stop when in the house but see them moving down when looking out of the window of the house…

In the collision part of the ParticleSystem in the inspector: change the dropdown from Plane to World. This makes the particles collide with world colliders instead of a specific infinite plane. Then set the LifeTime loss to 1 so they get removed immediately when hitting something.

planes are infinite - you only see a finite representation.

Check out this example: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making

And if that doesn’t help, you might consider the old particles as they are more accessible to code