While reading the community wiki I found out about PIX, but there isnt much info about how to use it in Unity around (the ms tutorials didnt help me much).
Does anyone know of a tutorial or how to use it? Or any other free profiling tool?
While reading the community wiki I found out about PIX, but there isnt much info about how to use it in Unity around (the ms tutorials didnt help me much).
Does anyone know of a tutorial or how to use it? Or any other free profiling tool?
For PIX, you need to install the latest DirectX SDK (download it from Microsoft's website). Amongst its Utilities, you'll find PIX. Run it, configure it (basically give it your executable), choose how to capture a frame (I suggest the option 'press on the F12 key', change the key if you already use it in your game) and launch the whole stuff. Press your key on the frame you want to debug. As of understanding the information PIX will give you, I won't write a whole manual here. Just go on the Internet. Actually you could have found the info I just gave you there as well.
i guess that pix wont provide any relevant information cause it need some debug definition such as D3DXSHADER_DEBUG in the player
(or editor) which is not in the dev scope of most unity user including pro version till you do not build your own player with a native sdk …