Hey guys, I struggled a few days at getting the new AdMob (new as in the admob page had me “update” to the new admob, and caused my project to no longer display ads in the old plugin) integrated into a project that I had Play Games Services working for, so I have decided that for anybody else having this problem, that I will post a general how-to for getting them in your project and cooperating.
First you are going to need the following unity packages:
Official Play Games Services Unity - download here:
Nabrozidhs Unity Admob Android - you might consider navigating to the pull request and getting the version that won’t call ads from the editor! - download here:
And then you will need to set up your play developer console to include play services with your game (there are guides and tutorials from google covering this topic)
Now here it gets tricky, you need to import the unity package from the play games plugin (import the whole thing), and then integrate it with your project. You can get some help with this on the github readme, and this means you have to set up leaderboards, achievements, and get those ready to test from your developer console, and then configure your project to send calls to the plugin when you unlock achievements, and set high scores and such. You could take this further but that is as much as I needed in my project.
And when it is done and your satisfied with how it is working in your project (ideally make a backup at this point), you need to import the admob plugin from nabrozidhs github. IMPORTANT NOTE: BEFORE you select to bring every file into your project, your gonna need to compare the ones your bringing in, with the ones existing already from the play games services. Make sure you do not overwrite the already existing play services stuff, like in your projects plugins folder (you can reimport the play services package to double check which it brings if you need to), where the jar files for its functionality are, because the ones included in nabrozidhs plugin are outdated, and will not work properly! This caused me the longest of headaches haha…
Now you will need to configure an account on apps.admob.com where you get the required ID’s for your ad content to appear in game. You need to make calls from your game to this plugin, at the right time, to display the adverts and hide the adverts, and you might do interstitial ads as well if your game could fit that in.
Before this will all work you need to make sure your manifest is set up to work with nabrozidhs plugin, which you can see the fairly straightforward instructions to do so on his githubs readme!
Best of luck, and if your get hung up along the way let me know and maybe I could help clarify better.