Using Pro License on a private device do to Coronavirus?

This is a serious question because in the past I already had contact with the license department do to a detection that on the same IP a personal license was used.

Currently the Coranavirus here in Germany is getting really bad and I’m worried that in a few days or so I have to go home because one of our colleagues catched it or something else.

So this is why I’m asking very seriously here, is it possible do to the current state to use the Pro License of my company on my personal device at home which usually uses a Personal License ONLY.

I’m one of the employees without a Notebook to take with me everyday. Just in case we can take our Computers with us but If the complete closure happens after work, I have no chance to work anymore.

This question also can be applied to the general home office user which is not constantly connected via VPN to his/her company network.

I really want a official answer to this.

Thanks in advance.

You should contact Unity directly with this problem rather than post it here. They may be able to help you. I am not sure who to contact but I am sure you can find that information on their website.

Stay safe!

Yeah you’re probably right.
Used the Pro License to get the premium support, will follow up this thread if I get an answer.


I am going to close this as it is an issue that your company needs to address. If they are having/allowing you work from home they should provide the hardware (or compensate you for using your own hardware) and the appropriate licensing. Unity support can be of help, but as your company is licensee, they need to talk to unity and/or resolve it.
Really this is all up to your company to resolve or deal with. Ask them. If there are complications, they can go to Unity support.