Using raycast for visible bullet collision (not oncollisionenter) in C#

Hello guys, i’ve got a problem with my game. Here’s the (strange) scenario: enemies have got a box collider, but bullets MUST NOT have a collider. Bullets are slow, so they are visible when i press space to shoot. I want that the bullet will destroy if it collides with an enemy. I have done every function to make it work (like pooling the bullet object and deactivate it after x seconds), but I’ve got a problem with the raycast. I’ve got this attached to the bullet prefab:

void OnEnable ()
		rayInitialPos = new Ray (bulletSpawnPoint.transform.position, bulletSpawnPoint.transform.forward);
		rayEndPos = gameObject.transform.position.z;
		if (Physics.Raycast (rayInitialPos, out hit,rayEndPos)) {
			if (hit.collider.tag == "Enemy") {
				GameObject enemy = hit.collider.gameObject;
				gameObject.SetActive (false);
				//faccio i controlli per diminuire vita o distruggere oggetto enemy se morto
				EnemyScript.TakeDamage (enemy);
		else {
			Invoke ("Destroy", 4f);

	void Destroy(){

The fact is that if Physics.Raycast (rayInitialPos, out hit,rayEndPos) it’s true (so i’m in front of an enemy and i’m aiming it), the bullet is set immediately to False and I cannot see the bullet. My idea was to have the rayEndPos value exactly like the length of the bullet, and when the bullet hits the enemy, it disappear. How can I achieve that? Remember that I cannot use OnCollisionEnter and I cannot put a collider inside the bullet object for personal reasons. Thank you in advance!

The ray cast should be casted every frame then, and not only on the first one as you have it, put it on the Update() . Also i would change the raycast to physics.Raycast(gameObject.transform.position, gameObject.transform.position.forward, someRange, out hit) change the someRange to achieve the desired effect. May i ask why bullets MUST NOT have colliders? Constant raycasting will have a greater performance cost. Cheers