Using raycast gun to take down life of enemy when shot

Hey guys,

I currently have my gun setup in my FPS game so that the player can shoot, a muzzle flash occurs, and there is a blood particle system instantiated when the player shoots at the enemy. all I can’t figure out now is how to take down the health variable of the enemy one by one each time the enemy is shot!!!

Here is my gun script!:

var hit : RaycastHit;
var bloodPrefab : GameObject;
var muzzlePoint : Transform;

function Update () {


function Shoot(){
	var fwd = muzzlePoint.TransformDirection (Vector3.forward);
	if (Physics.Raycast (muzzlePoint.position, fwd, hit, 100)){
		if(hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "zombie"){
			Instantiate(bloodPrefab, hit.point, hit.transform.rotation);

That all works good!, but how would i take down the health of the enemy tagged “zombie” when it hits it. The zombie has a script on it called “zombie” and a health variable called “health” if that matters!



I suppose the easiest way would be to use SendMessage.
Have a method in the Zombie’s script that decreases it’s health, and call it when the player hits.

if(hit.collider.gameObject.tag == "zombie")
    Instantiate(bloodPrefab, hit.point, hit.transform.rotation);
    hit.collider.gameObject.SendMessage("DecreaseHealth", amountOfHealthToDecrease);