I was asking myself if using [SerializedField] on a property in combination with [UxmlAttribute] is officially supported?
TLDR: My conclusion is: yes, it is.
Let’s assume I have a property on a custom element that does NOT have a simple backing field that can be serialized directly (i.e. it’s a property that executes some logic and fetches/stores data elsewhere).
According to the docs the UxmlAttribute does automatically generate a separate serializable field in an object of type UxmlSerializedData.
So in theory a backing field for serialization should be generated within the UxmlSerializedData and it seems this works. Here is a code example:
#if UNITY_6000_0_OR_NEWER
[SerializeField] // <- Usually this should not work on properties but thanks to UxmlAttribute it does.
public float BlurStrength
return BlurManager.Instance.Offset;
if (value != BlurManager.Instance.Offset)
// Do some stuff
I have found a strong indication that this is how it is supposed to work in the docs:
When a field or property is associated with a UXML attribute, all of its attributes are transferred over to the serialized version. This allows for the support of custom property drawers and decorator attributes, such as HeaderAttribute, TextAreaAttribute, RangeAttribute, TooltipAttribute, and so on.
I wonder why there are no examples for this “property binding” in the docs as this is a really handy addition in Unity 6 (or rather 2023.2 to be precise).