Using Stencil Buffers to Render FOV in Unity 2d

Hello there, I am creating a 2d game where players will have a Field of View (FOV) in which they can see enemies. I am attempting to use stencil buffers with a mask and visible layer to only draw objects under the mask layer when a visible layer object is above them.

I am using this tutorial from a few years ago to help me implement this system, however I am running into a few problems.

I followed the tutorial in my 3d game to the best of my abilities, using squares and circles instead of cubes and spheres for example. However, despite these seemingly small changes, upon finishing the setup the sphere should be see through, letting me see the capsule behind it. However, for unknown reasons, the sphere remains visible even after completing all the steps.

Pictured below is the shader code from the tutorial, the problem scene, and the mask circle element that should see through to the capsule. I was wondering if someone knows why my sphere is not acting like one would expect of the seeThrough material and layer, much less rendering at all when using a shader that basically tells it to not render anything. Any help is appreciated, thank you in advance.

(note that due to the warning I have tried adding _MainTex ("Texture", 2D) = "white" {} under properties in the shader, with no effect)

EDIT: additional information after another hour of troubleshooting with no success, after adding the custom material to the circle in the scene, it becomes a dodecahedron permanently, even when the material is taken off and replaced with the default lit material again. I am unsure why this is happening, however this weird effect can be seen in the ‘circle’ above