Using struct instead of class in Javascript

Is it possible to declare a structure in javascript without it having to be a class that must be dynamically allocated?

Currently I am doing something like this:

class HairParticle
	var position : Vector3 =;
	var velocity : Vector3 =;

class Hair extends System.Object
    var nParticles : int = 10;

    var theParticles : HairParticle[];
    function Hair() {
        theParticles = new HairParticle[nParticles];
        for (var i : int = 0; i < nParticles; i++ )
           theParticles[i] = new HairParticle();

What I would like to avoid is this line:

          theParticles[i] = new HairParticle();

Which as far as I can see allocates an entire object for nothing more than 6 floats.

But if you can declare a struct in Javascript, I haven’t been able to deduce the syntax.

(Edited on April 5, to see if I could bump my question to the top of list that way)

Replying to myself, so the topic goes to the top of the list.
Does nobody know the answer?
Or does nobody understand the question?
Or does nobody want to talk to me…:cry:

Sometimes it feels like the only people who know that answer to certain problems is the Unity devs themselves, and we know how busy they are.

I don’t know, but considering we’re making performance-hungry games, I think using structs, if available, would speed things up a lot.

Hmmm… maybe try the JScript or J# syntax for structs? (

If you want structs you have to use c#.

Thanks for the reply. And it is what I suspected.