Using System.Diagnostics.PeformanceCounter in Unity game srv

Hi there,

since Mono does support performance counters, I thought I’d try adding some performance counters to my game server. The scripts compile fine with Unity but under Mac OS, I get a NotImplementedException: The requested feature is not implemented.

Since performance counters are a Windows specific feature, that’s not very surprising. However, I would have thought that the Mono implementation handles those correctly when running a Windows build under Windows.

However, this doesn’t seem to be the case. When I run my game server on a Windows machine, I still get the NotImplementedException on System.Diagnostics.PerformanceCounterCategory.Exists(…).

Has this been specifically been disabled for Unity? Or am I doing something wrong?

For game servers, custom performance counters would be a pretty awesome feature to use to do real-time and “post-time” analysis of how the server behaves - so is there any chance this can be made working somehow?

Sunny regards,

Under edit>Project settings> Player
Switch from Net 2.0 (Subset) to Net 2.0.