Does this makes any sense?
- Can we have a Version Control System with TFS without replacing MonoDevelop for Visual Studio?
- If not, does Visual Studio plays well with Unity and, then, should we replace Mono with it?
Does this makes any sense?
I think it makes a lot of sense, and I’m actually looking into that as well. For the second question:
Does Visual Studio play well with Unity? Absolutely! Actually, I’m even using Visual Studio running in VMWare Fusion for development with Unity on the Mac. There’s only one thing that currently doesn’t work with Visual Studio: Debugging. So for that purpose, you’ll still have to fire up MonoDevelop every once in a while.
Regarding TFS with Unity in general: I haven’t tried it, yet, but it should work like any other version control system that’s not directly integrated into Unity. When you have TFS Power Tools installed, you can also use the explorer for version control because it comes with a shell extension: Microsoft Visual Studio Power Tools 2010
If you really want to keep on working with MonoDevelop, you might try this: TFS support (plugin, external tool, etc) from within MonoDevelop?, it recommends using SvnBridge … but obviously, that would reduce TFS to just version control (and you’d lose the project management features which IMHO are what make TFS really interesting).
I know this is an old post, but since people will find it via search I wanted to add that with Visual Studio 2012 you can now use GIT as Microsoft has released visual studio extensions for it.
This is an old post, but using TFS LOCAL WORKSPACES with the Unity.VS add-in has been pretty easy to setup and work with. The Local workspaces takes care of some of the performance issues, since some of the operations can occur locally without being connected to TFS; in addition it does not use the read-only bit on the files so that issues with files being readonly are also gone.
The only downside I have seen is it requires about 50% more disk space because files in the workspace are cached locally so you can work completely offline and sync with TFS later, this functionality also includes undoing changes.