I’m creating a PvP space ship dogfighting game. It’s been a painful week trying to figure out how Blender’s shader nodes work but I’ve finally created a really nice texture for my ship which can easily be baked and exported to Unity.
When the player’s health is 100% the ship will look pristine like in the first picture, however as the player takes damage, the body panels lose their formation creating cracks, and large portions of the body plating is blown off completely, revealing bare meal beneath (see second picture). Maps exist for Albedo, Metallic, Roughness and noise with each texture being 2048x2048.
I want this to be a gradual transition but the only way I can think of achieving this at the moment is by baking 100 different textures and assigning each one to a value of Player Health, or somehow exporting the texture as a 100 frame video and corresponding each frame to a player health value.
Is this possible within Unity, and if so how? I could use a mask to diffrentiate between bare metal and body panel, but that won’t take the movement of the body panels into account. I realise a custom Unity shader will do the job, but I wouldn’t even know where to start!
Thanks in advance