Hi guys,
Im trying to use the combine children script however im getting some weird problems, I’ve taken every mesh that uses the same texture/duplicate meshes and placed them in a empty object (Screen shot below) but when I run unity everything dissapears and I get a ton of errors:
“Failed setting triangles. Some indices are referencing out of bounds vertices.
UnityEngine.Mesh:SetTriangleStrip(Int32[ ], Int32)
MeshCombineUtility:Combine(MeshInstance[ ], Boolean) (at Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/Utility Scripts/MeshCombineUtility.cs:177)
CombineChildren:Start() (at Assets/[Scripts]/CombineChildren.cs:66)”
“Mesh.vertices is too large. A mesh may not have more than 65000 vertices.
UnityEngine.Mesh:set_vertices(Vector3[ ])
MeshCombineUtility:Combine(MeshInstance[ ], Boolean) (at Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/Utility Scripts/MeshCombineUtility.cs:170)
CombineChildren:Start() (at Assets/[Scripts]/CombineChildren.cs:66)”
“Mesh.uv1 is out of bounds. The supplied array needs to be the same size as the Mesh.vertices array.
UnityEngine.Mesh:set_uv1(Vector2[ ])
MeshCombineUtility:Combine(MeshInstance[ ], Boolean) (at Assets/Standard Assets/Scripts/Utility Scripts/MeshCombineUtility.cs:174)
CombineChildren:Start() (at Assets/[Scripts]/CombineChildren.cs:66)”
Now I guess this is happening because its exceeding the amount of polys Unity allows, but I definitely don’t have that many together so i guess its stuck in a loop somewhere creating duplicates?
All my groups are made with an empty object if thats a problem?
And I have multiple combine children scripts, 1 per group = around 25 scripts.