Using the standard shader, how to get the current emission brigthness in code?

I know that I can create a HDR color by multiplying a base color by the brightness factor like that:

float brightnessFactor = 3f;
Color hdrColor = * brightnessFactor;

And, then, set this HDR color as emission in the standard shader like that:

material.SetColor("_EmissionColor", hdrColor);

But, if I get the emission color from the shader, how can I know the brightness value that was used to create the HDR color?

var hdrEmissionColor = material.GetColor("_EmissionColor");
var baseEmissionColor = ???

What I really want to know is how to get, by code, the brightness set on the HDR color dialog box in the editor.

There isn’t an extra brightness value in the color, it’s just UI sugar.

The brightness will be the highest value between R, G, and B. To get the base color, divide each color component by that highest value.

“Color finalValue=Color.White*someValue; // someValue adjust the scale of emission”

I just tested this, simply multiplying the colour by someValue will increase the emission value.
