Forgive me if I’m asking a question that’s been answered a million times, but I really can’t find what I’m looking for. I am using the virtual joysticks in the Unity standard assets (mobile) package. I drag and dropped the single stick into my scene, I also dragged two touch pads onto my game for what I’ll need them for. I test my game, and yay! the joysticks move around with my thumb just like I’d expect. Perfect, now I just have to find a way to see the value of that joystick to move my character with… Then I run into issues.
I can’t seem to figure out how to find the values of the virtual stick. I found a few different ways on other forum questions, with people finding they didn’t work and then people eventually offered up 3rd party virtual joysticks… but I just want to get the Unity one to work.
Now, I code in c#, could that possibly be an issue? I tried creating a public “Joystick” variable and then just dragging and dropping the joystick in the scene into it… but Joystick wasn’t a variable type, and thus it wouldn’t let me. I went into the player settings and changed the horizontal axis that moves my character to get movement from all joysticks, with no luck either.
If someone does know know how to find the values, could you also explain how to find the values of the touch pads so I don’t run into this issue in the future when working on those?
Any help is greatly appreciated! Thanks!