Using timeline to animate a crate and then droping it with Is Kinematic. Crate won't drop.

Hey all…
I have created a timeline to animate something. I have a crate that’s floating across the room. Then it’s supposed to drop. I’m using the Timeline tool to animate this.

300 frames total.
Keyframe 1, frame 1 Is Kinematic = checked
Keyframe 2, frame 299 Is Kinematic = checked
Keyframe 3, frame 300 Is Kinematic = Un checked

However, at the end, the box simply won’t drop.

I’ve ensured that there are no ridged bodies in the way, by simply placing the crate in that location, and turning off Is Kinematic and it falls just fine. But it’s in this Timeline animation sequence that it just wont drop.
Anyone see anything like this before? Any thoughts or ideas what might be causing it to just stay in place and not drop? I haven’t modified any of the physics on it at all.

Is your timeline still running - for example, does the playableDirector use Hold as it’s wrap mode, or is the timeline go beyond where the drop point is?

No the timeline stops right at frame 300. I tried to create another timeline that extended beyond that and it didn’t work.


I created a brand new project that had NOTHING in it but a cube and a ball. I was able to animate that just fine.

The project I’m working with is from a complete tutorial on I’m not sure if he has something in this source code, assets that’s somehow conflicting with the unity version upgrade. He wrote his tutorial in an earlier version.

Ok, I would suspect then something else is controlling the object after timeline release it. Like an animator controller or script.