using unity for a true 2D game

Can unity be used to make a real 2D game using sprites is it posible or practical to use GUI’s to do this. Or do I need to use something like gamemaker for 2D

Yes unity is able to do a 2d game even though its better for 3D for more info on a good sprite managment if you have question the tutorial are great and the community is awsome i found a book i learned basic sprite control for menus and HUDs from a book called Unity 3 Game Developement HotShot. its a book more intended for those who have basic scripting knollage even thou they say begginer.not so extreme that it can be considered a intermedate.

Unity is, at heart, a 3D engine. It is still possible to make a game which looks and acts entirely as if it’s 2D, and in particular it’s relatively easy to make a game which is 2.5D… but at the end of the day, it’s all 3D.

There are some plugins on the Unity Asset Store that aim to make it easier to develop 2D products. I can’t speak to their quality, but I believe that Sprite Manager 2 is consistently mentioned. You might check some of those out, if you’re looking to be especially thorough.

This question is better suited for the forums but in general Unity3d is a 3d game engine. Yes it can be used for strict 2d gameplay using sprites but it isnt designed for it. There are plenty of plugins to help you get started though… just look in the asset store.