I am programming a multiplayer game in unity that would be in the form of a Master-Slave tele-operation system. Essentially, I have a multi-threaded system, with two threads -
Unity update loop - 60-100Hz
Robot update loop - 1000 Hz
So, in the single player setting, when I move the robotic arm, the cursor moves on the screen (Imagine that the robot is very expensive joystick that controls player motions). Now, I want to transfer this motion over the internet to another computer running the same game. So if I move my master robot, the slave robot should move in the same way and the slave player (on screen cursor) should move as well.
Now as far as the player motions are considered, Unity Multiplayer is enough to transfer that data. However, I cannot transfer the robot data as I need to maintain the sampling rate of 1000 Hz across both robots. Please note that it is vital that the robot data is transferred at 1000 Hz.
Any clue as to how to achieve this?
Thanks in advance