Using VideoPlayer to stream a video from a website

I’m trying to use the new VideoPlayer feature to play a video from a website (my dropbox link). I can’t seem to figure out the right url format to get the video to play. I’ve just been copying the video link from dropbox and putting it in as the url but that doesn’t seem to work. I’ve also tried videos from other websites and couldn’t get those to work either. I tried actually bringing the video file into unity and playing it directly instead of through the url and it works fine. Here’s the code I have: (I press a button in the scene to begin playing the video)

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Video;

public class Test : MonoBehaviour {
	Camera cam;
	UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer vid;
	AudioSource aud;

	void Start () {
		cam = Camera.main;
		aud = cam.GetComponent<AudioSource> ();
		vid = cam.GetComponent<UnityEngine.Video.VideoPlayer> ();
		vid.renderMode = UnityEngine.Video.VideoRenderMode.CameraNearPlane;
		vid.url = "";
		vid.audioOutputMode = VideoAudioOutputMode.AudioSource;
		vid.EnableAudioTrack (0, true);
		vid.SetTargetAudioSource (0, aud);
		vid.Prepare ();

	void Update () {
		Debug.Log (vid.isPlaying);

	public void PlayMovie(){
		vid.Play ();

Does the video have to be in a certain format for unity to play it? And how can I fix this so I can play the video through the url? Or would there be a better way to handle playing these videos without streaming them from a website? (I intend to have hundreds of videos so I didn’t think having them all locally in unity would be very efficient)

normally you would host the videos on a server of your own. Dropbox does work but it takes a little bit of tweaking, replace your url
when using videos from dropbox you get rid of everything after the filename, and change www > dl

of course I am not sure if the videoplayer supports .ogv
a good test is try playing the video locally, if video player can play the file type locally it should be able to do it from a url.

First upload the video on your dropbox by clicking upload file … Once it is uploaded click share button you will find button called 'copy link 'click it …132763-drop3.png

if your url was like this
Dropbox - MyFriendWhatIfMyTourWasWithYou.mp4 - Simplify your life
go to unity and add video player

make two changes to the url …First one is replace ‘www’ with ‘dl’ …Second one , at the end instead of dl=0 make it equal 1 ( look at the second screenshot and compare the url with one written above )

I’m facing the same issue, only that I’m trying to stream a video from Vimeo.
Is there any changes I need to make in order for the VideoPlayer be able to read the URL?