I have Unity 5 and am currently doing development on Win 8.0 and Visual Studio 2012. I want to continue releasing Win 8.0 store apps, but also add Win 8.1 universal apps (mostly for the phone part, as I currently don’t release for Win phone at all).
So I’m thinking about upgrading to Win 8.1 and VS 2013. Will I have issues with that? Will I still be able to update my 8.0 apps, since I know a lot of people haven’t upgraded to Win 8.1 yet, so I want to continue to release 8.0 as well as 8.1 now.
Or should I just jump to Win 10 and VS 2015? Has Unity been tested at all, or will it work well with those yet? I’m worried about how games will run in Win 10, now that metro/store apps don’t have to be full screen. So I do want to test with Win10 ASAP, but not sure if I should upgrade my development system yet (I do have 2 PCs, but I usually/currently do all of my development and testing on the same one, which is nice/easy/cheap).
Thanks to Microsoft BizSpark, I get all of the software for free, so cost isn’t a factor in which OS to choose, or if I go to one first, then the other.