Hi People.
For a project, im using a WWW Load to get Audio, Video and Images from a server using a path and loading them into the game. Ive hit a small road block though.
To load Videos with audio, i need them as a .ogv format, but that doesn’t load the audio for them, so i changed them to .ogg after i converted them to .ogv and they load video with audio perfectly.
Now my next problem, to load just plain audio, they can only be .ogg, and now im stuck trying to find a way to differentiate the difference between the two when loading as i need them in the same folder and as such, tries to load Videos and throws an error when it cant find a video in the .ogg it brought in.
If anyone else knows a better way to Load Images, Videos and Audio at runtime or knows a way i can get around this issue would be excellent. Thanks in advance. If you need better clarification, please let me know.